Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Society - Perception.

     I was sitting in church the other day, listening to the priest preaching, or rather daydreaming...(but hey, I'm not perfect)...when I started thinking about this topic that I am about to write. I was thinking of how nice of my lecturer for saying that I am a caring person and my best friend saying my smile is my best feature. And my sister for saying, indirectly of course, that life is dull without me since I love to clown around and make life so much more fun for her. =)
     When I was first told of all these, I was very surprised really. I was surprised because people are actually praising me and telling me something that I unconsciously knew. It got me thinking, why am I so surprised to hear all these out from them? Then, I realized something else. I grew up being told I am not good enough, not smart enough, not thin enough, not kind enough, not patient enough and so and so forth.
     I grew up thinking that I was never good enough or never enough in something. And when I was told that I am good in some way or another, I actually am surprised. This is all thanks to society's perception that a person can never be good enough or good the way they are. They always compare and criticize at every moment about anything and everything.
     I mean, what is wrong with being a little chubby? Or being too thin? Or if you walk or talk funny? Or you dress differently? Or you don't do 'normal 'stuff that people do? Why should we conform to the so-called "norm of society"? Are we really that perfect? Is the "norm of society" a perfect piece of example? Size 0 or 2 bodies? Is it healthy mentally and physically?
      People that I know of, people who supposedly "conform to the norm of society" are not happy people themselves. They are more often than not dissatisfied with what they have. Be it the perfect body, boyfriend, car, etc. All thanks to society's perception. But then again, who consists of the society? The guy next door? The lady across the street? You? Me?
      All I know is that, in order to change society's perception, we have to change our own perceptions first. It is not easy, yes. But we still got to try. Try sticking more with positive people or influencers in your life. Stay away from those who brings you down. After all, the outlook of the person you constantly mingle with will rub onto you. Also, love ourselves first before we love others. If we have no love for ourselves, how are we to love others?

Till then,

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