Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Au Revoir Old Man

     There was once a ruler who ruled this faraway kingdom in Oblivious Land. This ruler's name was Lecher. Now, even if his name was Lecher, many people thought that he was a kind and thoughtful and an above fault ruler. People from outside the kingdom of course. People in Oblivious Land of course knew better. King Lecher was not really the ideal ruler.
      After many years of reign, His Royal Lecherousness finally gave in. His heart gave in, according to official sources. Unofficially, who knows? I mean royalties practically think that they are God's. Now that he is finally out of the way, the dam finally breaks. The dam that withold many dirty and disgusting secrets of that particular King.
     Secret #1:- It is an unwritten rule that nobody could drive their carriages faster than King Lecher. Anyone caught doing so will be shot upon catching up by His Highness. Under any circumstances, anybody who shoots another for this matter will be sentenced to hang or what ever punishment appropriate. Talk about above the law.
     Secret #2:- He shot a servant for carrying his walking stick wrong. Brother of the servant found out about it and went amok in the middle of the village. Quite a number died that day. All because of something so small. Quite single handedly caused the death of a number villagers because the mighty King Lecher found it beneath him to have servants carry his stick the wrong way.
     Secret #3:- When His Royal Highness leaves Oblivious Land, he travels with his royal entourage. I mean, what is so secretive about this right? Haha. Here comes. When travelling, he has a few servants that will attend to him. Needless to say, they were all girls. And in the confines of the carriage, he fondles them. Yup, right in front of his Queen, Faith.
     In a nutshell, good riddance to this old lecherous ass. Well, you will be sorely missed, not. Oops! Did I say it wrong? Nope. You're dead and you can't come out of your grave and start shooting me can you? Rest in hell, old man.


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